The Mountain View Church is a fresh, new church beginning February 2020. God placed a vision and purpose on the hearts of the people for the church. We are excited to be used by God to engage the church for His glory and the Kingdom of God. It is our desire and goal not to be just another church in our community but to be a vital church fulfilling the will of God and answering our call to service God in our ministries.
Our Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM offering a class for all ages that Biblically centered and shared by teachers with a heart for God. Worships is at 10:30 AM also offering a biblical based ministry, leading everyone into a worship that is experienced in an intimacy with God. We have weekly Bible Study and other opportunities for all individuals seeking the call of God in their lives enabling folks to discern God’s purpose for their lives and ministries. (We are not celebrating Sunday School currently due to the corona virus. Worship services are in the parking lot with FM 88.3 broadcast and sound system).
Mountain View Church is served by our Pastors, church officers and committee members. We have attempted to follow the Scripture to align our administrating order and church operation. Leaders are expected to lead, serve, and walk the biblical mandate for spiritual leaders. Our Administrative Board meets on a regular schedule with every leader committed to a life worthy of their calling and office.
We have Bylaws, a church Covenant, and a church Constitution in writing available to all.
The primary purpose of MVC is to glorify God. We enable, encourage and lead through public worship, preaching and declaring the Scripture, encourage consistent Christian living by its members and spiritual growth. Our church members are expected to reach others through personal evangelism sharing Jesus Christ and the love and grace of god with the world, unrestricted, led by the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Church is about God not about us.
MVC seeks to be missionally directed, with a desire to touch the world by the grace of God offering Jesus and the meeting of needs. There are several mission ministries we support on an ongoing basis. Our vision is to be a church that sees needs or a disaster as an opportunity to reach out to the world changing lives for God’s glory. Our mission vision is not limited to our local area: but we have a God given desire to provide to missionaries, teach our members about mission and go beyond ourselves to do the ministry of missions.
Clearly God has sent His people into the world to share their testimonies and reach other for Jesus. We believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, starts with the Father calling one to repentance and the individual repents and asks forgiveness and cleansing by the blood of Jesus Christ. Salvation is the first step and is to be followed by water baptism and discipleship. Officers, leaders, teachers, and all ministering members must be saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. We believe every Christian has a testimony and God seeks all to share the spiritual journey of our faith. We fully believe this at MVC.
Christian Education encompasses many avenues, at MVC we believe that the basic truth and authority is Scripture. Our classes, studies and all learning events will be scripturally supported with a goal of producing the spirituality of Jesus Christ. Christian learning is a lifelong process never ending. What one learns they teach and continue to learn so they can continue to nurture others.
Our members enter a covenant agreeing to serve the mission and purpose of MVC. We do this by discovering our gifts and talents using them for the uplifting one another and ministering in and through MVC. We serve with a servant’s heart, answering the call of God upon our lives and building the Kingdom of God. Looking to the need and interest of others more than ourselves. With our Covenant, we commit to God, God’s service, and purpose as well as the nurture and care of one another.
MVC is a place where you will find a new church manifestation based upon Scripture living out our calling and ministries in a biblical way not attempting to be what was before us. We are seeking to grow into what God is calling us into in a new work and ministry. MVC is a place you can freely worship God in freedom of the Holy Spirit and be touched by God in a life changing way in your daily walk. We seek to empower the believer to worship God in spirit and truth as God is seeking for His people to do so.
MVC is a place you will find purpose, fulfillment, and various opportunities to serve God and be filled with His presence and find an inner hunger satisfied that is only complete in the Kingdom of God. God calls and we seek to provide the avenues to live out faith journeys for every believer. This is not a normal church where you attend on Sunday and forget God until next Sunday. MVC seeks to be the place where God is alive, Jesus is proclaimed and the Holy Spirit moves in, on and through everyone.
MVC believes that salvation is for you, deliverance is for the captive and power comes upon the believer by the Holy Spirit. Come and discern if MVC is the place for you to find your needs fulfilled. Come and discern if MVC is the place you can find Jesus Christ offered with an expectation that He is knocking on your door. Come and see if MVC is the place you can fulfill the purpose of your calling and ministry to build the Kingdom and serve God. Come, visit, and see if God is real at MVC.
MVC is a place that you are visitor only once. Our goal is to love you into Jesus, walk with you in times of celebration and challenge, and encourage one another in the faith. Every life is important and has value at MVC. God has made a place for you in our church family. The door is open but only you can walk through the door or being “Blessed and highly favored.”
Blessings and Prayers
Pastor Charles
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